Version 3.2.2 : Released May 5, 2017

  1. Fixed bug with Ausrivas crashing when using Internet Explorer proxy settings.

Version 3.2.1 : Released April 6, 2017

  1. Login with your toolkit account, via either username or email.
  2. Interactions with the ausrivas website ( through the ausrivas client application under TLS (Transport Layer Security). Confidential information not interceptable.
  3. Minor bug fixes (exiting warning popup no longer goes to print window).

Version 3.2.0 : Released February 16, 2012

  1. Migrated to new server.
  2. Integration of user system with Toolkit (
  3. Support for new website ( and new model grouping system

Version 3.1.1 : Released August 20, 2003

Error/problem fixes

  1. Changed colour coding of taxa probabilities data sheet from:
    DataColour coding
    Collected taxalight green
    Taxa not collectedwhite
    DataColour coding
    Taxa PREDICTED (p>=0.5) and COLLECTEDlight green
    Taxa PREDICTED (p>=0.5) and NOT COLLECTEDdark green
    Taxa NOT PREDICTED (p<0.5)white
  2. Extended version checking to:
    • take into account alpha and beta versions;
    • Give an appropriate message if a NEWER version than the release version is running.

Version 3.1 : Released February 7, 2003

Error/problem fixes

  1. Fixed proxy support problems which resulted in Internet Error 12002.
  2. Fixed problem of software crashing in off-line mode when scrollbars are used.

Version 3.0 : Released January 2003

Error/problem fixes

  1. Removed problems associated with previous data remaining in the AUSRIVAS input and output when a new data set is analysed
  2. Fixed problem of incorrect reporting of O/E bands when on boundaries
  3. Fixed problem of incorrect labelling (colour and text) of data that should be flagged with a warning (orange) or error (red).
  4. Fixed error detecting and reporting problem in bug and phys/chem codes.
  5. Fixed problem of row headings not printing on main grid sheets.
  6. Fixed problem in data checking where if one predictor variable is missing, all the subsequent variables are also deemed missing.
  7. Changed incorrect settings in the "Open" and "Save" processes (file extensions not correct)
  8. Changed predictor variable data checking so that blank columns are not added where variables are missing (not needed and generates unnecessary error messages).


  1. Finished and updated the currently existing on-line software user manual.


  1. Added support for proxy authentication.
  2. Restructured AUSRIVAS client program to allow program startup with incorrect or absent proxy settings. Changed software to run in two modes - offline and online.


  1. Added SIGNAL OE0 scores.
  2. Added SIGNAL Scores to Unused Bug list.

Dialogs (printing, extra info etc)

  1. Added printing functionality for 'Required Model Variables' list. Dialog also modified to set out info in a multi column format with clearer info.
  2. Added printing functionality for all error and warning dialogs (eg dialog listing missing bugs when model is run). New dialogs have multi-column format and error/warning name and description. Can be printed or copied. Also updated Error dialogs. Also updated error messages.
  3. Added description of variable to the 'Required Model Variables' list. Also added units and descriptions in a dialog that is multi-column, printable and scrollable. Accessed from "Model" menu.
  4. Added option to view the model band width information for each model. Also added model description. Info shown in a multi-column, scrollable, printable dialog. Accessed from "Model" menu. Note: updated model descs to 'newer' version
  5. Modifed file open dialogs so that file filter information is retained.
  6. Added model band descriptions to Model Bands dialog.
  7. Fixed list of available models (when running model) as it is was too narrow to see all the description of the models.


  1. Changed the wording of "invalid bugcodes" to "bugcode not yet known to AUSRIVAS" and change from an error to a warning.
  2. Added bug name as well as bug codes to 'Taxa Probabilities' data sheet and 'Unused Bug' sheet. The bug name is at the bottom of the bug data.
  3. Increasee maximum length of string variables (eg variable description) to allow for longer variable names and details.
  4. Add better explanation for "0.01 limit warning" (Chi2 test) and also add to manual.
  5. Update predictor variable descriptions to add correct descriptions and units for all states.


  1. Added the new logos to the software.

Version 3.0 alpha (experimental release only)

  1. Added to predicted/collected data sheet:
    • E0 SIGNAL, O0 SIGNAL, OE0 SIGNAL (presence/absence, P0)
    • EA0 SIGNAL, OA0 SIGNAL, OEA0 SIGNAL (abundance weighted, P0)
    For use in Sustainable Rivers Audit Theme Project: SIGNAL Project.

Version 2.2.1 alpha (experimental release only)

  1. At startup, program always allows user to set proxy settings

Version 2.1.2 alpha (experimental release only)

  1. Victorian EPA proxy details set by program.
  2. Users are prompted to change proxy settings on _all_ internet errors.
  3. The program exits if an internet error occurs and the user chooses to not fix proxy settings.
  4. Proxy dialog changed to always show previous proxy settings in custom dialog (so settings dont have to be reentered after a change of options)
  5. Some consistency probs fixed - ie dataserver hostname now always sourced from string table.
  6. An error message dialog for HTTP errors is given in main application.
  7. Retry on timeout code disabled (temporarily?)
  8. Different responses to Internet errors depending on error code removed.

Version 2.1.1 alpha (experimental release only)

  1. Changed startup so that on timeout (from internet connection check) the user is presented with a dialog to set proxy settings. This release is a test for Victoria only at this stage.

Version 2.1 beta

  1. Fix timeout problem: increased default timeouts from 30 to 60 seconds, user entry for timeout value (in password dialog) now sets timeout value, program now retries http connection 3 times before a failure is reported.
  2. Added new splash screen and icon. Splash screen needs to be updated with each version. Source is on Lake: /htdocs/Images/logos/AUSRIVAS_splash.xcf (Ausrivas site) in gimp's native format.

Version 2.0 beta

Version 1.1 beta 3